During the winter time many people experience a reduced amount of energy along with a decreasing mood. In fact 5% of the population has the tendency to getting a seasonal depression. So what can you do, to learn how to enjoy the cold season and just feel the moment?
1# Feel the Cold
Why not embrace the cold by lighting up some candles, lighten up the fireplace, read books and do the things indoors that makes you smile?
Create the feeling of “hygge” rather than spending your time missing the feeling of warmth and summer.
Take nice long walks by dressing accordingly and enjoy the feeling of the cold towards your face – well knowing that you can toggle in when you get home.
2# Seek the light
Spend your time with the people you love. People who give you something rather than draining your energy. Try to laugh and keep up the good mood by hugging, kissing and getting out of your home to make sure that you reload your energy.
3# Spend Your Time Wisely
Spend your time with the people you love. People who give you something rather than draining your energy. Try to laugh and keep up the good mood by hugging, kissing and getting out of your home to make sure that you reload your energy.
4# Listen to Your Body
If you feel the need to go to bed early – then do it! Many people feel the need to, when the daily hours of light become reduced. Spoil yourself by taking a nice long shower and then lay down in freshly washed bed lining, and feel the coziness it will bring you.
5# Time for a Vacation?
Maybe it is time for a nice long vacation? Many people travel to the other side of the world to seek the light and the missing summer feeling. Others just take some time off to reload their energy. If you can find the time and the money, you should really do it. Seek some new experiences and enjoy the feeling of getting out of your nest at home – hopefully enhancing your mood!
6# Big Spender
Be a big spender. Spoil yourself if you are in a position to do so. Buy yourself the things that you always thought about buying. Material stuff might be a short-termed happiness, but at least it will bring you joy in a moment of doubt.
Hopefully you are now ready to enjoy the darker times instead of disgusting them. Keep in mind that you should remind yourself to turn the negative things into something positive – after all, you are the only person responsible for your own happiness.